We at RQ Game Review attach great importance to the protection of personal information of our users. We guarantee complete confidentiality of the provided information and do not disclose it to third parties.
To avoid possible problems and misunderstandings we recommend you to read our privacy policy. This will allow you to avoid questions regarding the processing and use of your personal data.
We collect various types of information in order to facilitate interactions between users and our site. For example, we notify you about new promotions and special offers.
All of the data we collect can be divided into two categories:
1. Browser and Site Usage Information
This category includes information about your browser, location, operating system, time of visit and language. We collect this data to make our web portal as user-friendly as possible.
2. personal information
This category includes contact information such as email address. However, providing this data is voluntary and we will not ask for it without your consent.
You can view all data without registering. However, you will need to create a profile in order to have full access to the real money game.
All data collected is used only to the extent permitted by law. For example, we use the personal information provided for the following purposes:
We also collect data for research and analytics. Please don’t worry, this data will not fall into the hands of third parties.
The data collection and processing process is fully automated and is done with your consent. The information collected may include your phone number, email address, last name, and first name.
Visitors to our site provide information voluntarily. Only then is it subject to processing, and only a minimal set of data is analyzed automatically.
We use cookies to make it easier for users to access our platform. They are used in popular browsers such as Google Chrome or Opera and contain information about users’ actions. When you access the site, the system requests access to cookies. After your approval, gaining access to the platform becomes even more convenient.
Personal information is never shared with third parties, except as required by applicable law. We do not share personal information without your consent.
To protect personal data, we use SSL encryption to ensure complete security of transmitted data. This ensures that unauthorised access is blocked and your personal information is protected.
If you do not want your data to be stored, please let us know.
We do not set a specific retention period for your data. All information is only kept for as long as it is needed. If you do not want to wait that long, you can send an email request and we will delete your personal data immediately.
We do not store user data unnecessarily. The system analyzes the data to give you the best offers. If you have questions or concerns about the security of your data, you can always email us and our representatives will be available to help you sort out all aspects
Every user of our site has certain rights. If you feel that the security of your data is being violated or if you have other questions, be sure to contact us by email.
You can always withdraw your consent to the processing and use of your personal data. Your application will be effective as soon as it is received by our representatives.
You can also decline the request to process your personal data. In this case, they will not be used for survey analysis or other research purposes. In addition, you can:
Registration on our site rocketqueen.win is forbidden for persons under the age of majority. Persons under 18 years of age may not create an account or act on our site. Any such actions will be considered illegal and invalid. You must be of legal age to open a profile and verify your identity.